
πŸš€ Telegram Bots πŸš€

Welcome to my portfolio showcasing some of the open-source Telegram bots I’ve developed. These bots are designed to enhance your Telegram experience with a variety of functionalities. Each project includes detailed documentation and is hosted on GitHub for easy access and contribution.

πŸ“Š Statistics

  1. WebScrapper Bot πŸ•ΈοΈ

    Simple and powerful all-in-one Telegram Bot to scrape/crawl webpages using Requests, html5lib, and Beautifulsoup.
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  2. VisionScriptBot πŸ‘οΈ

    A Telegram bot that uses Google’s Gemini Pro Vision API to convert images to text.
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  3. Referral-Bot πŸš€

    A Telegram bot that shows how to refer a user and save the record.
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  4. crypto-bot πŸš€

    A Simple and powerful telegram bot that can fetch all crypto related details.
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  5. AudioBook πŸ”Š

    A Telegram Bot that converts PDFs to audio using PyPDF2 and gTTS.
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  6. Filter-Adder πŸ”

    An advanced filter bot that uses custom filters/tags and triggers a specific event on matching messages.
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  7. MemberStickerBot πŸ™

    A Telegram bot that sends Thank You Stickers to members in channels and groups at specific member counts.
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  8. text2imagebot πŸ–ΌοΈ

    A Telegram bot capable of running stable diffusion Models (supports all models from Hugging Face) and generating images based on user prompts. Loaded with 20 models.
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  9. PriceTrackerBot πŸ’°

    A Telegram bot that scrapes Flipkart / amazon URLs and keeps track of price changes, alerting the user when there is a price change.
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  10. HandWriting-Bot ✍️

    Telegram Bot to convert text to handwriting using pywhatkit.
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  11. RolePlayAI Bot 🎭

    RolePlayAI is a cutting-edge AI-powered Telegram bot that transforms into various knowledgeable and empathetic roles, such as a doctor, lawyer, police officer, and more. Powered by OpenAI’s GPT model.
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  12. Instant-Tag-Remover 🚫

    A Telegram bot that removes channel forward tags instantly.
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  13. telegraf-bot πŸ€–

    Simple Telegram bot on Telegraf.js using JavaScript.
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  14. PyttsBot πŸ—£οΈ

    A Pyrogram Bot for the gtts module, enabling text-to-speech functionality on Telegram.
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  15. ban-bot 🚫

    A simple bot for banning members in a group.
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  16. Mp4-to-Mp3-Converter Bot 🎡

    A simple Telegram bot that converts MP4 videos to MP3 audio files.
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  17. pyDF-Bot πŸ“„

    Pyrogram Document File Bot, a modular Telegram Bot providing PDF tools using PyPDF2.
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  18. autoban-Unban 🚷

    A Telegram bot that bans and unbans users from a chat.
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  19. ReportBot 🚨

    A simple Telegram bot that reports spam and unwanted messages to admins.
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  20. SpeedtestBot-Telegram πŸš€

    A Telegram Bot that returns the client’s current download/upload network speed.
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  21. A simple Telegram bot that automatically deletes links in groups.
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  22. Instant-Caption-Adder πŸ“

    A simple Telegram bot that adds custom captions to all messages forwarded to the channel.
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  23. No-Forward-Messages 🚫

    A simple Telegram bot that automatically deletes forwarded messages in group chats.
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  24. Welcome-GoodBye πŸ‘‹

    A simple Telegram bot that sends welcome and goodbye greetings for group chats.
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  25. Edit-message-Alert 🚨

    A simple Telegram bot that sends an alert to the group when someone edits a message in the group.
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  26. No-Inline-Messages 🚫

    A simple Telegram bot that automatically deletes inline messages.
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  27. Command-Remover πŸ—‘οΈ

    A simple Telegram bot that automatically deletes service messages that start with β€˜/’.
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  28. AntiService-AntiCommand ❌

    A simple Telegram bot that automatically deletes service messages from the chat.
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